Tuesday, April 26, 2011

my first trip to the driftless area

This is only my second year chasing inland trout in Wisconsin and I have to admit that I’ve become completely engrossed in this new fishing world. The satisfaction of the perfect drift, subtle takes, and self tied flies has become the pinnacle of fishing to me, so far... Last year I focused my trout efforts almost exclusively in Dane County which really was just enough to wet my whistle. I fished mostly in the heart of the summer and fought off heat exhaustion, overgrown weeds, and ticks...
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

spring steelhead coming to a close

bobs early morning  colonial park steelhead Bob and Shawn made it out on Saturday before the rain had too much time to make a major impact on the flows. They fished Colonial park in the early morning where Bob was able to hook up in the first 10 minutes. Fishing slowed until mid-day when they made the move to Island Park. Fish were stacked up in the slack water just north of Island and Shawn...
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

the root river birthday

I spent the morning of my 30th birthday searching for chromers on the Root River. It isn’t often I’m off on a week day but I felt the occasion warranted the day off. I have never seen the river so quiet and was excited to exchange the normal, fast paced, weekend, combat fishing for some solitude. The Root was flowing at 118 CFS which was about 60 points down from last weekend. The water...
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

early season fox chain of lakes report

The open water season on the fox chain of lakes is just starting to heat up! Randal sent over this shot from one of his recent fishing expeditions on the Fox Chain Of Lakes. Now is the perfect time to be fishing  the harbors and channels looking for big panfish and other species that have moved up. Don’t underestimate the power of slip bobbers and live bait… fox chain of lakes crappie and...
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Monday, April 11, 2011

early april on the root river

Sunday, I made my way to Racine to fish the Root River with Bob and Shawn. Despite the reports I’ve seen on some of the local fishing forums, the Root is still holding a fair number of fish. Water levels for the last week have remained pretty consistent around 200 CFS. The last rain we had barely made an impact on the river’s flow and might have been just enough to stain the water, although clarity improved noticeably throughout the day. The sucker spawn is in full swing right now, and...
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

root river spring steelhead

I fished the Root River on Saturday with Neal, Ryan, and Shawn. The upriver bends and pools throughout Colonial and Quarry parks were subject to tremendous angling pressure. There was a waiting line to just have the opportunity to fish some of the better water, and as one angler left the rest would inch in closer. We all shared a disappointing morning with just a few hook ups and zero fish for our...
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Monday, April 4, 2011

reader submitted driftless trout report

Love your blog. Fished the driftless area this past week. Great outfitter, guide and time. I caught my first brown with my good friend Jim Tingey. You might like this video. Todd Fly Fishing from Todd Burleson on Vimeo. Todd, Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences in the driftless area of Wisconsin. I appreciate the kind words and the thought. Congrats to you on your first brown trout and make sure to catch them in moderation, word on the street is that they can...
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Friday, April 1, 2011


friday storm system I will be watching the flows constantly between now and tomorrow morning. Might be time to think of a back up pl...
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