
Sunday, September 12, 2010

trout fishing (iowa county, wi)

I did some exploring in Iowa County Wisconsin of a trout stream I’ve never been to before. I fished with a new friend I just met. We worked this stream for almost 3 hours with no fish. The water looked prime but unfortunately no fish spotted and no fish hooked.

an iowa county trout stream
On the way back we fished a Dane County stream where my new friend caught 2 palm sized brookies. We met a local angler in the parking lot who shared some knowledge of streams in the local area. He gave us some great ideas of some spots to try next spring. As far as I’m concerned this was the last trout trip for me in 2010. My focus now is all about the salmon and attempting to fill my streamer box in the next couple weeks.

Damien, it was very nice to meet you and enjoyed hanging out even if we didn’t catch a lot of fish. Thanks for your insight into harbor fishing and looking forward to seeing you in the tributaries.


  1. Hey, thanks for the invite over to your blog. Looks like lots of good stuff for me to read now. I signed on as a follower and will be back more often now. Thanks for the support of my blog also. How about we add each others links to our blogrolls?

  2. Sounds good! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Blake,
    Very nice blog! Thanks for following mine and letting me in on yours. Sometimes, the fish are only a part of the trip. Fellowship forged along the stream is priceless.

  4. Hey this blog looks like a keeper. As you will see nimrod243 is now following you and will try to make it back often to read about your new adventures.

    The little stream in the picture above looks like it would be a lot of fun to fish for trout. Too bad they didn't get the memo.

    Come give me a follow at My Hunting & Fishing!
    We've got lots of fun stuff going on.

  5. Hello Blake,
    Thank you for the invite, looks like I'll be tagging along awhile.

  6. Hi Blake
    First off thanks for becoming one of my followers. I will be posting a lot of Kentucky Spot fishing trips in the next 4 to 5 weeks. Don't put your fly up just yet, now and on into late fall is an excellent time to land quality bass on the big popping bugs. I have caught them in water as cool as 70 degree on the fly. Might want to give it a try. Enjoyed the post.

  7. Great site!!!! Love the posts! Thanks for stopping by mine :D
