
Thursday, December 2, 2010

From Feather To Fish

GL Deceiver - Perch
From Feather to Fish
Just came across a new local Chicago based blog focused on fly fishing and fly tying. Nick over at “From Feather to Fish” is just getting his feet planted in the blogger world and I wanted to show him some Chi-town love. He seems to be a very skilled when it comes to fly tying and can’t wait to see what else he has to offer as his blog starts to take shape. Above is a photo from his blog, it’s a pattern called the GL Deceiver – Perch Pattern. I can’t wait to give this one a crack. Show Nick support and stop by his site and give him a follow. Click here for the link.


  1. Blake - Thanks for the support. If you'd like, send me your contact info and I'll send you that GL Deceiver - Perch.

  2. Thats a deal! You have a great start to your blog and I remember being in your shoes and just starting out not too long ago. Great Lakes Angler and Chicago Trout Bum really helped me out. I want to pass along the favor.

  3. Thanks for the heads up Blake...

  4. Awesome great lakes patterns there!
