
Monday, April 11, 2011

early april on the root river

Sunday, I made my way to Racine to fish the Root River with Bob and Shawn. Despite the reports I’ve seen on some of the local fishing forums, the Root is still holding a fair number of fish. Water levels for the last week have remained pretty consistent around 200 CFS. The last rain we had barely made an impact on the river’s flow and might have been just enough to stain the water, although clarity improved noticeably throughout the day. The sucker spawn is in full swing right now, and even though its nice to have some fast action, they still became quite a nuisance.

We fished the gravel and pocket water found throughout Colonial Park. Traffic on the river was light but there were still plenty who enjoyed a beautiful day on the river. Shawn and I each managed one fish but he actually came close to landing a couple more. Green was the hot color that resulted in most of the days hookups. My birthday is coming up this Friday and I’m optimistic that the river will still be holding fish on my day off!

What a blessing the weather was on Sunday, not only was it the first time we hit seventy degrees but we actually made eighty! This solidifies the thought in my mind that summer is right around the corner. With every new season come new angling opportunities and this summer I’m looking forward to broadening my horizons. Fly fishing carp and some river canoe trips are top of the list of things I’m looking to try.


  1. Great got a big smile out of me!

  2. Now, that's what I'm talking about!!! Love it.

  3. When we lived in Chicago I spent a lot of time up on the Root! Love the post and video!

  4. Glad you guys liked it, I never put in the footage of my buddy fighting the fish around a guy who refused to move from the middle of the river. Needless to say that fish was lost.

  5. I agree Blake... every season = different reason to fish. Great post.

  6. Blake ---Fantastic catch, and great video, really enjoyed watching the way the played and landed that fish. Thanks for sharing

  7. Awesome fish and vid! I hope friday works out for you...
