
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

spring steelhead coming to a close

bobs early morning  colonial park steelhead

Bob and Shawn made it out on Saturday before the rain had too much time to make a major impact on the flows. They fished Colonial park in the early morning where Bob was able to hook up in the first 10 minutes. Fishing slowed until mid-day when they made the move to Island Park. Fish were stacked up in the slack water just north of Island and Shawn was able to capitalize on the concentration of fish. By the end of their fishing day flows had gone up tremendously and by sundown the river had blown out. I'm happy they got an early jump on the day.

shawns island park steelhead

I'm just wondering if the fish will still be in the river when the flows finally subside. My guess is that the season is finally coming to a close and I'm already starting to stock my box for stream trout. I've been working hard each night trying to get a few new flies in after the kids have gone to bed. I will be going driftless on Saturday with Damien and wanna make sure I'm prepared. 


  1. Sounds like you had a good season though! I'm a little bummed that I wasn't able to make it out with you this season, but there is always the next one!

  2. I didn't do as well as I had wished but thank god for my large group of fishing friends. It always seemed like one of us was catching something.

  3. Looks like you made the most of it before the rains moved in. Our rivers were high all week and should be fishable tomorrow.

  4. Appreaciate for the work you have put into the article, this helps clear up some questions I had.

  5. Savage- We certainly did have some fun and learned a couple more things to add to the steelhead arsenal.

  6. A danger foreseen is half avoided.
