
Thursday, August 25, 2011

des plaines river dam

Went out to for a little exploring expedition tonight. I've wanted to check out this dam for the last few weeks and have just finally found the time to get around to it.

Never have I seen the water on the Des Plaines so crystal clear, it even felt cooler then normal. The bottom here was ninety percent sand and relatively shallow. Of course, I brought the fishing rod with and gave it a go but the mosquitoes chased me off after a half hour. I really need to pack the bug juice for Des Plaines River trips.
des plaines river dam
On the way out I did notice this…

des plaines river spring?
Is this a spring? Looks kinda man made.

Was this water being pumped in from somewhere else? Maybe that’s why the water looked almost drinkable? On second thought, maybe not.


  1. Really appreciate the reports on the DP and Milwaukee. You've opened my eyes to a number of fishing opportunities under my nose. FYI - water temps at the Mouth of the Milwaukee are 52.5. Prime for the Kings to start pushing in. If we get a little rain, they'll start moving. Maybe I'll see you out there.

  2. Thanks Nick, we should meet up on the milwaukee for some zombie kings.

  3. The dam is cool kind of like the one on the Fox river (as I recall). Drinking the water? Montezuma's revenge could stretch to Illinois/Wisconsin from Mexico. Best to filter.


  4. yeah, mark clear or not i bet its deadly

  5. Is there a waste water treatment plant near by. It could be the final effluent from it. If so it is probably cleaner than the river. Good luck with the war on the biting insects.

  6. Sounds like the des plaines... Sewage treatment spring water.

  7. Blake
    That is the kind of waters I like to fish clear, and clean. If I am anywhere else I get turned off pretty qucik.
