
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Root River Brown Trout

This was some footage from last weekends fishing outing. We found a pod of fish sitting in a very tough pool to get a fly into. Two very nice males were moving in and out of the pool with on giant female holding down the gravel. We must have lost about 15 flies to the branches that over hung that pool. Neal actually hooked this male from upstream just floating the fly repeatedly back into the pool.

So did we end up hooking that female? Sure did, after 3 hours of working her. She put up one hell of a fight and ended up taking Neal under a branch that promptly broke him off. It was a 10 pound hen that has to have some of the best colors I've ever seen on a Lake Michigan brown trout. Oh well...


  1. Wish I could have goten in on some of that action, nice job Blake.

  2. Blake
    Absolute awesome brown, what wt rod, tippet, and fly? If only I could be that lucky. Thanks for sharing

  3. Skill definately comes into play in a area "infested" with sticks and twigs like that. Well done.


  4. Bill- 8wt and 8 pound test. egg pattern

  5. You might want to work on your catch and release skills. I find it hard to believe that new world, educated fishermen think it's okay to drag a big fish flopping onto the rocks, fondle its gills with your fingers after working it close to total exhaustion and then think it will survive just because it swam away.
    Just saying.......

  6. not even gonna argue this one here, but will leave your anonymous post up ;)

  7. Blake,

    Where were you fishing ? I fished Colonial and Lincoln park areas. We caught 2 nice browns and a coho last weekend. Really nice fish !!!
