
Sunday, January 22, 2012

long lake ice fishing report

long lake illinois fishing map
Long Lake in northern Lake County is one of the closest lake to my home. Given its location it is odd I have spent absolutely zero time here. Rumors around the area talk of bucket head mobs from Chicago cleaning out the panfish here in the last few years. Rumors are only rumors but my one and only trip here last year wasn't anything to speak of and it has certainly deterred my efforts on Long.

With a few short hours to fish before the rest of my house awoke I snuck out the front door early Sunday morning. Six or seven cars were sharing the parking but anglers spread themselves out fairly well. I fished for two hours under an overcast sky, not venturing out very far at all from the launch. My first hole was dropped in 8 foot of water and I found that I didn't have to look much further. Waves of perch were cruising in groups and held tight on bottom. Eager to feed, they came through the ice hole as quick as I could get a bait down suspended a foot or two above their heads. Keeper size fish were found in about one of every eight catches and certainly would have made for a tasty meal if I was keeping.

Just around 25 fish fell victim for a waxies impaled on a green glow tungsten jig. Oddly enough not one bluegill or crappie decided to come out and play. Maybe the rumors are true and the panfish population here has taken a hit? Or maybe I just need to take the time to explore this further? Either way the action was hot just a short distance from home and that in my book is a winner. Many anglers reports were similar, with the occasional panfish mixed in but one gent did mention some jumbos moving in around 3:00pm the previous day and remaining active till dark.

long lake perch, lake county, il

Ice Depth- five inches
Depth Fished- 7-10 feet
Species Caught- all perch

Be aware that the paid parking on the west side of the lake is closed and will not be open anymore. Some say that the few will ruin it for the many. Trash, litter and a lack of respect will certainly keep property owners from considering allowing ice fishing access so be respectful people and pick up your shit!

****There is no longer public access on Long Lake and you must have permission to fish here****


  1. Very nice Blake, I have always wanted to fish Long Lake.

  2. Blake
    Those crappie and bluegill have to be a hoot on light tackle coming up through that ice hold. 5 ft. of ice how cold was it out there on the ice today? Enjoy reading your ice fishing reports.

  3. I'm going to be targeting some yellow perch within the next couple weeks. I love catching those things.

  4. Nice! This really makes me miss poking holes in the ice...well done

  5. Agree with you, Blake, certainly can't complain about getting into a mess of Perch close too home. Hope you run into a few of the bigger ones out there next time out.

  6. Not even 5 inches of ice will get me out there, chicken that I am. I commend you for getting out there and drowning some waxies.


  7. Do you have any tips as to where on the lake are some good spots for perch? My house is on a channel over by the little island on the Southeast part of the lake. Going to try to get out in Feb. Any advice would be appreciated. Last year we sat out all day with waxies and minnows and got zero bites.
