
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

mid winter on the root river

Back on December 27th I posted a fly pattern called the Black Prince which had been noted as one of the oldest steelhead flies around. Even though this info is a tad delayed to hit the wall of our blog, the Black Prince past the test on the Root River in Southeast Wisconsin.

mid winter brown trout still chasing flies
This wonderful specimen of a great lakes brown trout fell victim to the fly after a succession of short 2 inch strips and put up quite a wonderful fight. Fishing the tribs this late into the winter has been a real mind trip!


  1. That was today? Nice work! pretty fish. Landed a couple nice browns at paradise today. the weather was just too nice!

  2. you guys catch a lot of big stuff in that river. Nice job!

  3. Yeah sorry Anthony, that's from a week and a half ago, just got the pic back this morning, thought I would share.

  4. Doesn't get any better than that.

  5. Blake
    Sometimes the simplest patterns can produce the best fish----and in this case it happened

  6. Love those lake run browns! Good work
