
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

fish the kish

With a watershed totaling nearly 800,000 acres and covering 7 different counties, the Kishwaukee River can appear to be an intimidating river to learn.
a tributary to the main branch of the kishwaukee river
Where does one start? With so much water out there I felt more like I was just throwing darts at the map rather then making an educated decision. Reaching to just fill in some of the pieces of the puzzle, I was compelled to just cover as much water as possible and try a bunch of different tactics.

Beginning the exploration on the south branch, I fished the succession of forest preserves from Genoa through Kirkland. Burning baits through a ton of promising looking water resulted in a big fat goose egg and very quickly half my day was eaten away with not even a strike. High noon and no fish called for a dramatic change of scenery.

Working my way home I crossed over a few different spots on the north branch and a couple of its tributaries. Here my fortunes turned around and I was able to smoke a few pike. I took one decent fish from under the spillway and another small pike from up one of the tribs.

kishwaukee river pike
Until game fish season opens in the dairyland you can bet I’ll be beating up some rivers in Northern Illinois. I really think the tribs that flow into the Kish have some serious potential and can't wait to do a bit more exploration on some of these branches!


  1. can't wait to see how you do, I miss my local Illinois fishing haunts.

  2. I have not fished the Kish since I moved down to Naperville it too far for the average Sunday morning trip out. A friend of mine named Mike Warnick and I used to go there quite a bit. Before Google earth we drove up and down that river with a rode atlas anywhere a road crossed we would feet a 100 yards each way, If it was good we would go farther. I love that river. Being a multi species angler, the kish is a buffet of fish battles.

    1. im excited about diggin in deeper here as well

  3. Sweet Pike! The Kish. is defiantly plentiful with some nice fish, including its tribs. There are some quality smallmouth to be caught as well. I like throwin gold spoons and the old rebel crayfish cranks when fishing here. Can't wait to see what else you pull out of there. Great post!

  4. My boyfriend and I fish the kish all the time behind his fathers house in kirkland and we can't seem to have any luck but some cat fish and a couple suckers.. and recommendations?

    1. Get out and do some exploring, try to find some of the deeper holes and work them hard. My exp on the kish is limited to say the least and this was just my first trip here ever... once i learn a little bit more id be happy to share some more info. stay in touch
