
Thursday, April 12, 2012

IL Trout Opener

  Saturday April 7th was the opening of the IL. inland Trout Opener. As the sun rose on the horizon and turkeys cackled in the background, thousands of IL. anglers hit various streams,lakes, and ponds in hopes of landing a Rainbow Trout. Twice a year the IL DNR stocks farm raised Rainbows throughout the state, once in spring and again in the fall.  Every year the Spring opener has kind of become a tradition to me. Ever since I was 13 years old I have fished the opener. Now it has become a tradition for my son as well.

 3:30 A.M. on that Saturday it was up and adam. We gathered our gear, stopped for doughnuts and coffee, and off to the stream to claim our spot. We soon arrived at our destination, Pickasaw Creek in Chemung. There were about a hundred or so anglers sitting on the shore anxiously awaiting the 5 A.M. start of opening day. As soon as 5A.M. struck the clock it sounded like rocks hitting the water as everyone tossed there lines in the water.

 In the first hour we had caught 2 fish and soon there after we had 3 more. Most anglers that had fished the Pickasaw that morning didn't walk away empty handed. There where tons of kids on the banks with ear to ear smiles ringing in on there face. The trout season is a great way to get kids involved in fishing, and I recommend it to all.

 The most interesting part of this trip was when I got to talking with an older gentleman that was tossing flies after the crowd had cleared. We both agreed that most waters in IL. aren't necessarily suitable for Rainbow Trout to survive. As most of the trout that where stocked in the Pickasaw where probably going to die off in the summer months if they weren't caught and consumed. Then this older gentleman proceeded to inform me that years ago they used to stock Brown Trout rather than Rainbows because the survival rate of a Brown in these waters was much greater.  Over the past few years I have heard rumors of Big Browns being caught in this stream, but never really thought twice about it, and now it clearly makes sense. I think I am going to be investigating these waters a little more this summer.

 Here are a few pics from the days catch, hope you enjoy!


  1. Brian
    Looks like someone is having trout for a meal. Thanks for the report

  2. Sounds nice. 5 ain't so bad, I just came back from fishing a recently stocked stream. No one on the water at all hardly. Almost every pool was filled with fish, I stopped counting at like 25 and that was only 3 hours in. Nice report!

    1. Sounds like you had a blast Devin! It is always a great time when you catch those kinds of numbers.

  3. MA did away with Opening Day years ago and "men of a certain age" wish that they would bring it back. I use to anticipate Opening Day every year and now once the ice clears you can fish for trout.

    As for the Brown trout the "older gentleman" spoke about, I have read how people in the western part of MA complain that the state stocks virtually all Rainbows instead of Browns. The reason stated is Rainbows can't survive the summer heat like Browns can.

    Good to hear that so many participated on Opening Day.

    1. Ed thanks for the comment. I don't understand why DNR doesn't stock the browns, it doesn't make sense. If you stock Browns they have a chance of survival where as with the rainbows you are pretty much sentencing them to death.

  4. A kid or two smiling from ear to ear is what its all about...I would have loved to have heard all those "rocks" at 5. Sounds like a trip

    ...looking forward to hearing about one of those browns you catch!

    1. Thanks Sanders! You hit it right on the head with the kids. Nothing better than seeing a young one smile

  5. Funny, I was just gonna fish the piscasaw on the way home from the south branch of the kish. Instead I ended up on beaver and caught a pike.

    1. Never fished the beaver, but how did you do on the Kish? I think we need to make an outing to the pickasaw one of these days to find the browns. I know there are a few rainbows still swimming in there too.

    2. i have a few posts backlogged, i'll throw the kish post up tomorrow. few pike, nothing special but some of the tribs look money $$$
