
Saturday, June 2, 2012

big strides

He's getting dangerous... Casting, burning some cranks and hooking fish all on his own now, we have come a long way since the end of last year.

the first pond we saw after picking up his new rod
I'm getting far more enjoyment from teaching him to fish then any time I've ever held a fishing rod in my own hand. He's soaking the info in and asking for more. An hour after getting home he was already asking to go back out again today. I'm gonna start to break him in on a constant supply of pond bass this summer. Wish us luck!

neighborhood retention pond fish at its best


  1. Blake
    Looks like one happy young man! This brings back memories of me and my son when he was that age---enjoy the moment for he will be grown before you know it. thanks for sharing

    1. For sure. I didn't think there was anything better in fishing then catching a fish. Watching my boy do it is way better... For now

  2. Congrats to you both! I had my boys out for some night fishing sat. night. They had a blast. I think I had more fun watching them catch fish, then catching fish myself. It is awesome to see the young minds take to the sport of fishing, and want to further better themselves at it. Well done!

    1. We seem to be in the same boat so to speak. Summer rocks!

  3. Awesome. In a couple years he'll be outfishing us 10 to 1.
