
Monday, October 8, 2012

another dam monday

another dam monday
Another Monday morning in the books. I'm certainly a tad disgruntled to be sitting behind the computer at work while the family is home today getting ready to enjoy the Columbus Day off from school. Even though I'll be missing out on the pumpkin patch, I'm thankful in this economy to have a place to go everyday to make money. It was an enjoyable and productive weekend and I have another post or two to go up this week. Happy Monday to all and I hope it's quick and painless.


  1. Today was one of the slowest days at work i can remember. It was painful. On the bright side I have Wednesday and Thursday off for some fishing adventures.

    1. mondays really are the worst, haven't built the tolerance back up yet

  2. hopefully friday finds you better than monday...have a great weekend!
