
Sunday, November 11, 2012

trout country usa

Iowa's driftless
Fly fishing for bass and even Great Lakes steelhead browns and salmon are some of my favorite things to do where I live. Though, when one receives minimal doses of small stream trout fishing, injected straight into the vein, it leaves you always waiting for that next fix. There is something delicate and soothing about small stream trout. Trout on the fly should never be about sizes and numbers, for me it is more the cleansing of a dirty soul. From the peace received from the beauty of nature, the colors of the fish, and even the delicateness of the casts, I have found no better. All else pales in comparison and feels often crude, even if for only a second.

Real fisherman are opportunistic feeders. They make due with what's available and exploit it for their own selfish gains. My area that I call home sits just far enough away from any real trout water to make it viable for day trips. Usually requiring an overnighter it turns into more of a destination type fishing game. But, when given the chance to get out an explore my brain and my heart always pulls me back to trout country.

Iowa rainbow trout
Last winter we found ourselves faced with the warmest winter I can remember. Locally, we were lucky if we had even three weeks of safe ice and depending on who you asked, some said we never got even one. While Wisconsin has a closed winter season on trout, Iowa does not. That was inspiration enough to make the five hour trip to Decorah Iowa. Some would argue that Iowa's fisheries for trout come up short compared to what lies just over the boarder into Wisconsin. I never have cared to feed into any of that. On that unseasonably warm winter day I sat upon the highest hill looking down on those glassy, trout filled pools. No matter Iowa or Wisconsin, everything in my life seemed to just makes sense at that moment. Contained in this post are just a few snapshots of that day, special to me like nobody can understand.

Winter trout stream beauty
This weekend, my family vacation to the Smoky Mountains has been booked and we leave next weekend. My hope is that we all find peace in the beauty of nature and come back to reality better because of it. Our cabins in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and Hendersonville, North Carolina both have wireless so I will be sharing a few posts with everyone next week while on the road in Trout Country USA.

Bring on the winter trout!


  1. YOu had up until you said Wireless! Just kidding!! Small streams bring me back to center.I am an opportunistic feeder. Have a good trip I'll be looking for those posts!

    1. I felt the WiFi was a must, Sprint cell service doesn't exist out there and need some way to at least be reachable. I think we all make adjustments for what available resources we have. Thanks!

  2. There's nothing better than getting outside. When the weather is fine any fish is a bonus...that changes for me when the temps get below 30 though! Have fun chasing those southern trouts.

    1. big difference between the smoky's and say the mountains where you live, but yes, any fish is a blessing

  3. Have a great trip. Looking forward to your reports.

  4. Blake
    Absolute beautiful place to fish. One can't beat those small streams for some down to earth trout fishing. Nice looking bow as an added bonus. I am back after over a month of working on Family Ancestry. I have missed reading your post. Have a great trip in the Smokies. Thanks for sharing

  5. Hey Blake, what was the rod in that first picture? That wasn't a Cabela's CGR was it?
