
Wednesday, January 23, 2013


It has been an uneventful couple weeks on the fishing front unless you take into account the dozen or so flies I've tied up. Two weekends ago we experienced some freak weather reaching nearly 50 degrees with some pretty consistent rain. My better judgement kept me off the ice that weekend.

Last weekend I attended our annual sales training meeting for work. Even though the temps have fallen below a two year low, no fishing for me. Thankfully I have some pretty cool friends that have continued to plug away.

Shawn, thanks for the bang lake pike photo.

Neal, are those gills really as big as a 20 oz bottle?

Randall, when we going fishing?

I'm looking forward to this weekend more then most.


  1. I feel for you Blake. I haven't been fishing in a couple of weeks myself, and I am going through some major withdrawals! Go get em this weekend!

  2. Blake
    I hope we all can get back on the water soon. I am getting cabin fever bad--I still have to get my mind warp around bluegill feeding in ice covering lakes. Thanks for sharing some great pics

  3. From what I saw on the weather this morning, a warm fire and cup of coffee is as far as I would get.

    1. You have to really want it in the winter. With proper gear it isn't bad at all. Once I'm inside my shack the coat usually comes off.
