
Friday, July 8, 2011

lake delavan bass fishing

My good buddy Don has been slaying the bass for the last couple months up on Lake Delavan. Sure, he's found some productive spots but shared with me that overall the shallows have been the most productive. While other anglers are fishing a hundered yards off the bank, he has found his best success being right on the bank. He recently just caught a fish that tipped the scale at just over six pounds. We will blame a bad camera for missing that photo but here are some nice bass caught over the last couple outings. Thanks for the update Don!

lake delavan bass
another delavan bass

a shallow water delavan bass

family fishing lake delavan


  1. Looks like alot of fun. Love to put a few of those on the end of a fly rod.

  2. Yes, correctly.

  3. Talk about the Hawg Trough! Those are some nice bass.

  4. A bucket mouth like that can make a fishing trip.

  5. Those were some pigs for sure!
