Thursday, January 26, 2012

one angler i know...

One angler I know has been waiting patiently since getting some new gear for Christmas...
working some fish with a Ice 35 flasher
the result of his efforts 
"flag up" he called it 
Looks like he got his ice fishing season started, more to come from little Lucas's ice adventures of 2012!


  1. Blake
    Something tells me you got a fishing partner for life here. Got to love it!!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nicely Done LUcas. Way to get him out there and show him the important things in life :) Nice fish. Tight Lines.

  3. well done dropping the hammer on the large mouth!

  4. Lucas sure seems to be having a great time. Won't be long now 'till he is out fishing his Dad!

  5. Lucas is going to be a fishing stud at the rate he is going. Congrats to you both!
